Corporate Development

Corporate Development


Our Corporate Development department is responsible for reviewing, supporting, and continuously improving the strategic direction and operational delivery of the force. Our department is made up of teams which include Strategic Development, Change & Continuous Improvement and Performance, Demand & Analysis. 


Our Strategic Development team ensures that our organisation is doing everything in the right way so that we can deliver the best possible service. They make sure that all decision making and policy changes in the organisation follow our internal processes and that the Constabulary is always ready for inspections. They do internal audits, and check that the way we’re recording crimes meets the national standards. The team also includes Diversity, Equality & Inclusion who make sure our culture is inclusive, our teams are representative and that we’re liaising with our communities across the county. 


When change happens within Lancashire Constabulary, it’s the Change & Continuous Improvement team that manages and delivers it. They identify where improvement is needed and recommend the best way to make it happen. They work with stakeholders both inside and outside of our organisation to improve services for victims. 

Performance, Demand & Analysis is made up of four functions. Performance Analysts use data to understand the Constabulary’s performance, demands patterns and trends, and are responsible for submitting mandatory data returns, to the Home Office for example. Partnership Analysts research and analyse local problems and support the team by using problem-solving and crime prevention approaches to keep communities safe. Business Analysts spot opportunities to improve, work out the impact of any changes and make sure our capacity matches demand. Evidence Based Policing Co-ordinators manage the process of putting evidence together to help with decision making and improvement. 

Case Study


Job title: Programme Manager  

Length of service: 6½ years   

The most interesting part about my role is that each day is different and, as we’re working on different projects, you get an insight into how each department and the force functions. We also link in with other forces to see their operating models and share best practice.   

The best thing about working for the Constabulary is the development opportunities both personally and professionally.  A standout moment was my involvement in the Management of Sexual or Violent Offenders (MOSOVO) national working groups where I helped to develop the national Visor standards which all forces adhere to.  


Case Study


Job title: Business Analyst 

Length of service: 4 years in this role, 15 years as police staff overall          

People might be surprised by the broad variety of what we do. In the Business Analyst role, and also the wider Corporate Development department, there are new things going on all the time which keeps it fresh and interesting, and sometimes fast paced! This can range from something as big as a new change project to support, to someone contacting you to ask an interesting question about our data that hasn’t been looked at in quite that way before.  

The best thing about working at Lancashire Constabulary is the sense of being in a team, working towards shared goals. We are all here because we care about making a difference – some roles make the big decisions, some roles manage the day-to-day work, some roles are physically active, some sit behind a desk, some are fast-paced, some are more detail-based, but we are all moving in the same direction as one team.
